Providing effective representation for Tillage Farmers in Ireland086
Welcome to the Irish Grain Growers Group
We exist to help tillage farmers grow their profits. Our vision is to support, inspire and motivate our members into a secure future
Providing effective representation to tillage farmers going forward.
We exist to help tillage farmers grow their profits. Our vision is to support, inspire and motivate our members into a secure future


The Irish Grain Growers are a newly formed group, representing arable farmers in the Midlands, South East and South of the country. Our aim is to focus on and promote all the positive aspects tillage farming. We want to improve the industry by promoting constructive communication amongst growers, consumers, manufacturers and policy makers.

We feel that government policy in the past, has neglected tillage, relative to other sectors, as is clearly reflected in the blue print for agriculture, Food Wise 2025 and Food Harvest 2020 policy documents. There seems much more focus on dairy and beef sector in recent years, whilst, in many ways, failing to recognise the contribution of the indigenous tillage sector.

Irish Grain Growers Meet Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Following the successful launch of the new umbrella organisation “Irish Grain Growers” at a meeting of Irish Malt Grower members...